Looking west towards the beautiful Flatiron mountains near Boulder, the seasonal color outside of the Auditorium is shown in full bloom. We are involved in the selection and the design of both the spring seasonal color rotation as well as the fall seasonal color rotation. This also includes a yearly flower bulb installation, at least a thousand bulbs have been planted each of the last six years, now numbering close to ten thousand bulbs planted within our area of the park.
In the distance is Academic Hall, the “corporate headquarters” building of the Colorado Chautauqua Association. Maintenance of the turf and landscape has to be completed with minimal impact on not only the Chautauqua employees but also park patrons, park visitors/guests as well as the “cottagers.” The cottagers own the private cottages throughout the park.
Looking towards the Auditorium, beds with seasonal color in bloom greet the music patrons and concertgoers throughout the year. Chautauqua Park follows a strict organic/chemical free program throughout the 26 acres of the park, which also helps to encourage the propagation/growth/cultivation of pollinators. “Bee Friendly”- is a state program.
While completing our landscape maintenance scope of work in Centennial Garden, sensitivity to the frequent pedestrians and park users is needed and warranted, especially during the quiet hours of the summer. The park grounds are open 24/7 and 365 days per year.
This is Waterwise Garden, showing the open bluegrass turf panel surrounded by lush landscape beds with xeric plant material around the perimeter. Not only are we sensitive to the maintenance needs and water requirements of the plant material and turf in this garden, but we must be sensitive and respectful of the users as well. This garden is heavily used by park patrons and visitors and "quiet hours" are respected and enforced.
Another view of Waterwise Garden with the “passive” boulder water feature in the foreground. Our scope of work includes the maintenance of this water feature along with a second boulder water feature located in Centennial Garden. Our scope of work includes the maintenance of this water feature as well as the continuous care of the many low water use perennials planted throughout the perimeter planting beds.
A close-up view of the “passive” water feature located in the Waterwise Garden. This water feature, as well as the one located in Centennial Garden, are charged up in the spring and winterized in the fall.
This is a look across the manicured front lawn of Academic Hall with a touch of color in bloom. As the headquarters building of Chautauqua Park, we strive to provide the expert care and attention to detail to maintain the landscape so first time visitors have a great Chautauqua welcome!
The seasonal color beds and landscape near Academic Hall are there to welcome employees, patrons, visitors and cottagers of Chautauqua Park and the Colorado Chautauqua Association. Our staff are considered "ambassadors" who greet patrons, answer questions and provide directions.
This view looks towards Chautauqua’s picnic shelter and across one of the many perennial ground beds scattered throughout the park. This is one of the few areas we still need to manually irrigate with a hose. Through our diligent turf and irrigation management, this area has been enhanced quite nicely since we took over the landscape maintenance at Chautauqua.
Another view of the Flatiron mountains and the mature landscape surrounding Academic Hall. Clippings from tree pruning are recycled into mulch and reused throughout the park. Our solid maintenance practices honor the original design and are carried out in ways that protect and conserve the natural resources and beauty of this historic site.
Many events are held throughout the park, including weddings such as this one in Centennial Garden. The calm, soothing and natural landscape of the park lends itself to memorable moments that people will treasure the rest of their lives. This is why we take great pride in our work and hold in great esteem and value the importance of this National Historic Landmark.
Chautauqua Park
Exterior Categories > Commercial Landscape Management > Multi-use Properties
Designs By Sundown
Winner Status
- Merit Award