Keeping the parking lots and sidewalks maintained is a challenge. Less turf and more Tall wheat grass and blooming flowers helps to beautify the park entrances.
The Butte over looking the park has been a challenging landscape as the city wants to keep this area native to reduce water usage but the locations attracts weeds and rodents. Here is the butte that contains native plants and grass and soon to be wild flower field. Weed abatement is a challenge and this area is high sun exposure and winds
Over 1000 people a day can to visit the water park and surrounding play grounds within Centennial Center Park making it challenging to maintain around the clock.
Approximately two acres of turf with high traffic is maintained several times a week. A side view of the lawn where people are free to sit and stand to watch the entertainment at the amphitheater.
Challenges arise with the mix use of the property. An overview of the several playgrounds and shelters that are within the park. Maintaining park well-being with a large volume of people at park can be challenging
This area is a challenge to keep healthy. The heat and sun exposure and winds cause the area to dry out. This area was converted to a play area (see picture 11) to reduce the turf and water use.
A view of the amphitheater lawn, freshly mowed and free of weeds.
A side view of one of the playgrounds as well as some of the native lands and planted flowers.
Many areas of the park are community driven but still maintained by the landscape provider. This is the Rotary garden was built as a demonstration garden.
Here is the enhancement project to help with foot traffic and breaking up the turf areas. This area also added the Rotary garden, a walking garden, and several activities for children.
Approximately 60,000 square feet of turf is mowed - one -two times per week depending on the event schedule. Hot dry climate is a challenge to keep the turf green. Open space of the park for amphitheater and families and friends to gather for picnics and games.
Centennial Center Park
Exterior Categories > Commercial Landscape Management > Multi-use Properties
Terracare Associates
Winner Status
- Merit Award