Extensive green roof over classroom area covered with sedum and native plants provides a very attractive landscape surface on roof top. Eyebrow shaped clerestory windows covered with rooftop soil mix and native plants allow natural sunlight to stream into the large classroom below.
Landscape installation crews work to shape rigid structural foam, aluminum edging and various mats and fabrics to build the substrate for rooftop growing media. Irrigation equipment is installed next before rooftop planting soils are brought in via telebelt material handling system.
View of eyebrown shaped clerestory window system shown as our landscaping installation crew works to install structural foam layer to build up the subgrade under the green roof soils. Geotextile is added over foam to stabilize rooftop soils before plants are installed. Plants’ root systems provide final soil stabilization to hold soils in place long term over the sloping eyebrown shaped windows.
Landscape installation crew works to prepare classroom roof area before green roof soils are brought up onto the roof and placed. Rooftop soil mix and decorative rock are conveyed up to roof using a telebelt material handling system. Irrigation mainline and lateral pipes are fusion welded HDPE material to prevent future separation and leaking onto the roof.
Green roof over very large classroom required importing hundreds of cubic yards of specially blended lightweight soil mixture to meet the structural engineer’s saturated weight requirements. Sedum and native grasses required frequent waterings from the complete coverage irrigation system to establish due to the shallow soil depths.
Beautiful stand of sedum and native grasses planted on classroom rooftop lowers the heating and cooling bills for the large classroom beneath the green roof. Green roof provides an attractive view and sustainable alternate to typical manmade roofing materials.
Walkways lined with sedum and decorative river rock drainage strips create a beautiful walking area for students moving between classes. The enhanced outdoor experience adds to the richness of the educational learning process in this medical teaching facility.
Large caliper balled and burlapped shade trees were brought in and planted to frame the courtyard. Various groundcover and ornamental grasses were planted in thoroughly under-drained and irrigated green areas along the perimeter of the site. Landscape contractor imported and placed all soils to ensure a high quality growing media for all plantings.
Bands of decorative grasses were planted between sodded areas to create a sense of space between sidewalks and seating areas. Landscape contractor imported and placed all soils as well as installing an extensive underdrainage system and complete coverage two wire irrigation system with fusion welded HDPE piping.
Decomposed granite stabilized with a polymer installed in tree wells created a safe, pedestrian friendly walking surface. This attractive pervious surface around perimeter shade trees uses a sustainable, recycled material in a very practical application. Turf type tall fescue lawns were installed over imported soils with full underdrainage and automatic irrigation system to create green areas for students to enjoy between classes.
Turf type fescue sod and decorative grasses were installed to frame the walking areas to create a beautiful, relaxing outdoor space for medical students in between classes. Custom blended planting soils were imported and placed by the landscape contractor before they installed underdrainage system and a two wire irrigation system.
Planting soils were built up around site architectural features to provide growing media for adjacent plants. Extensive underdrainage and irrigation system was installed to provide a carefully controlled moisture condition to ensure robust turf and plant health.
Landscape contractor crews planted salt tolerant groundcover species in planting beds along adjacent roadway. Using salt tolerant species prevented plant death from salt toxicity in soils caused by salt materials thrown into adjacent planting beds by City snowplow trucks. Groundcover beds were constructed with a thorough underdrainage system and full irrigation system to establish and maintain groundcover plants.
KU Medical Center Health Education Building
Exterior Categories > Commercial Landscape Contracting > $500,000 to $1,000,000
Hermes Landscaping, Inc.
Winner Status
- Award Level 1 - Gold